The mission of the California Labor Commissioner's Office is to ensure a just day's pay in every workplace in the State and to promote economic justice. Minnesota does not require UI tax on employment which is majority-performed in a single other state.If you are a Minnesota resident, and you never actually (physically) worked in California, then your W2 wages or salary are not subject to California taxation. Minnesota is an employment "at will" state. Discover your rights and your employer's duties under Minnesota Labor Law with this comprehensive guide. Federal Court in Minnesota finds Choice of Law Provision Unenforceable Based on California Labor Code Section 925 ; Related Professionals. Each time you are paid, your employer must give you a statement listing all deductions from your wages, such as taxes (see Minnesota Statutes 181.032). Labor Code - LAB GENERAL PROVISIONS DIVISION 1. Under California Labor Code 226(j). Cal. Lab. Want to avoid printing each poster?