As of April 2019, Illinois is not a righttowork state. The foregoing shall include compliance with all laws, regulations, directives or orders pertaining to civil rights and equal employment opportunity legislation.No, Illinois is not a right-to-work state, meaning employees are not exempt from paying union dues or fees as a condition of employment. OfWay Permit MUST be obtained BEFORE any work begins in the rightofway. 1819: The Apprenticeship Law provided the first protection for minors in Illinois. Failure to complete all of the above will result in application denial. If you believe a company has violated your data privacy rights file a complaint at the link below: Consumer Privacy Rights. Further, federal law requires employers to provide reasonable accommodation to qualified individuals with disabilities. We're here Monday through Friday, a.m. The bureau investigates and litigates cases involving serious or persistent wage law violations or other significant employment practices.