This booklet provides general guidance for employees concerning the disposition of their benefits on separation from County employment. The New York State Unified Court System offers free instruction booklets and forms for people starting a divorce.If any term or provision of this Agreement is, at any time during the life of this Agreement, determined. If you withdraw from (or "drop") a class or withdraw from a school entirely, you may need to pay us back for certain education benefit payments you've received. Each individual must file a separate complaint. Q. If a case representing my complaint has already been filed in a court of law, may I file a wage complaint? Or, if you meet the age criteria, you may start taking distributions without having to pay any penalty for early withdrawal. If you withdraw from (or "drop") a class or withdraw from a school entirely, you may need to pay us back for certain education benefit payments you've received. What forms do i need to fill out to withdraw a petition for special relief. The family court case is in Montgomery.