"Dismissed without prejudice" is a legal term. A case closes, but not permanently.Consequently, employees who believe they were fired due to prejudice should compile all the evidence possible that demonstrates the employer's bias. NRS 284.330 Reinstatement of permanent appointee after separation without prejudice. A without prejudice clause in a contract ensures that each party in the contract maintains their legal rights and privileges. Consult with an Employment Attorney: It's highly advisable to consult with an employment attorney who specializes in labor law. A Without Prejudice conversation is another mechanism used to protect the confidentiality of discussions between an employer and employee. "Dismissed without prejudice" is a legal term that means a case is dismissed but can still be refiled at a later point. Nevada law does not require private employers to provide employees with either paid or unpaid holiday leave. A conversation will only be properly without prejudice where there is a preexisting, genuine dispute between the parties.