Workers have a right to at least a 30minute meal break or each 6 hours worked in a calendar day. Does your state require employers give workers lunch breaks?Find out the regulations on lunch break laws and rest periods here. Employees may be entitled to one hour of pay at their regular rate if an employer doesn't provide a required meal or rest break. Employees working more than six hours, spanning the midday meal period, are entitled to at least a 30-minute unpaid lunch break. Employees must be afforded reasonable bathroom breaks. Employers must provide employees with at least a 30-minute meal break for every 8 hours of continuous work. Nevada Domestic Worker Breaks. Employees who work for seven and a half hours or more consecutively are entitled to a half-hour break after the first two hours and before the last two hours. Rest break: Illinois mandates a tenminute paid rest break for every four hours worked, with some exceptions based on the industry.