Nevada law requires employers to give employees a 30-minute meal break if they will work for eight or more continuous hours. How often are employees required to be paid?A.) Nevada law requires employers to pay their employees at least twice a month (NRS 608.060). Nevada workers are generally eligible for 30-minute unpaid lunch breaks if they work eight-hour shifts in the workday. An employer must provide an employee three 10-minute rest breaks and one 30-minute unpaid meal break during a 12-hour shift. Rest breaks in Nevada are paid and considered part of an employee's work hours. Employees in Nevada are generally entitled to one 10-minute paid rest break for about every four hours they work. Nevada law requires that employers provide their employees with a paid rest break of at least ten consecutive minutes for each four hours worked. Workers have a right to at least a 30minute meal break or each 6 hours worked in a calendar day. "Professional" means pertaining to: 1.