In no case shall notice of such termination be provided more than five working days after the date of such termination. N.Y. Labor Law, § 195(6) requires employers to provide written notice to discharged employees, stating the effective date of termination.In New York, a private-sector employer is not required to have good cause to discharge an employee. Employers must give their workers a written notice of termination that includes the dates their employment and benefits end. This pamphlet is intended to provide Employers and Employees with general information about their employment rights and responsibilities in New York State. New York is an "atwill" employment state. In New York, the Department of Labor defines independent contractors as workers who are free from "supervision, direction, and control in the performance of. Upon termination of employment, the papers must be given back to the minor. Yes; New York Labor Law requires that employers provide a letter of termination to employees. While employers generally have broad discretion, there are significant exceptions to this rule.