We enforce the State Labor Laws for minimum wage, hours of work, employment of minors, payment of wages, farm labor, nursing mothers in the workplace, and more. The Labour Relations and Industrial Disputes Act, Operational Date: March 22, 2010, Number: of 2010, Last Amendment: November 25, 2014.AN ACT in relation to labor, constituting chapter thirty-one of the consolidated laws. Became a law March 9, 1921, with the approval of the Governor. Learn about local employment, payroll, and tax details for Jamaica to make sure you're locally compliant. The Wage Theft Prevention Act (WTPA) took effect on April 9, 2011. The law requires employers to give written notice of wage rates to each new hire. Under the paid time off law, employees in New York State accrue sick and safe leave at the rate of one hour off for every thirty hours worked. Paid Time Off (PTO) in Jamaica. Employers sometimes need to hire foreign labor when there is a shortage of available U.S. workers to fill certain jobs.