16 and 17 year-olds may not work more than 48 hours a week. Information for youth ages 14-17 for working papers, safety and health on the job, and filling out job applications.16 - Basic minimum age for employment. MINORS AGES 16, 17 and Older. Minors ages 16 and older are exempt from the hour and scheduling restrictions. An Employment Certificate (Working Paper) is required for all minors under 18 years of age who are employed. Work certificates are not required for 16 and 17yearolds. 16 and 17: Can work up to 8 hours on school days, 9 hours on nonschool days, and 30 hours per school week. 16 and 17 year olds that are enrolled in school may not work more than 6 consecutive days or 30 hours per week during the school calendar week. School districts in New York State are responsible for issuing employment certificates and permits to qualified applicants.