Salaried employees in New York can work up to 40 hours in a standard workweek. The Division of Labor Standards ensures that all New York workers, including undocumented and unpaid employees, are paid the proper wages and have their right to meal periods and rest days protected.In most cases, it is illegal to pay a fixed weekly rate for varying hours worked over. They also have the right to take breaks and use sick leave. To learn about additional NYC labor laws, ask a question, or file a complaint: Visit nyc. This pamphlet is intended to provide Employers and Employees with general information about their employment rights and responsibilities in New York State. Employers are required to post in the workplace notices of certain employment rights, such as the applicable minimum wage and workers' compensation laws. NYS Labor Laws for Salaried Employees. The amount paid may not be reduced because of a variation in the quality or quantity of the work performed.