Employers can require employees to use a personal vehicle for work. Yes, you can require employees to use a personal vehicle for work, and for many employers, this may seem safer than providing company cars.NC based employee, CA based company - Personal Vehicle Use question. It is lawful for your employer to make you use your own vehicle to drive to various locations for your job. The standard mileage rate in 2024 for the use of a personal vehicle for business purposes is 67 cents per mile driven. A car allowance pays employees for using their vehicles for business. Discover different policy options and choose the best rate for your company in 2024. Although it appears to be harmless, allowing company vehicles to be used for personal use opens up your business to a significant amount of legal risk. The personal use of a company-owned automobile is considered part of an employee's fully taxable wage income and proper documentation is vital. He must pay you for all hours spent doing the work of the employer.