In order for the N.C. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Bureau to assist an employee with a wage dispute, a complaint must be filed. If you provide direct deposit to your employees, you may also be required to provide them with a pay stub if it's required in your state.States that require printed pay stubs include Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Carolina, Texas, and Vermont. Most employers must pay workers all wages earned at least monthly, with no longer than 31 days between pay periods. All employers must display a wage and hour poster in the workplace notifying employees of their rights. No employer is required to provide vacation pay plans for employees. The state's legislation does not currently mandate an automatic increase in the minimum wage as some other states have implemented. Yes: Employers may not require employees hired before July 1, 2005, to participate in direct deposit. North Carolina Wage Deduction Laws (N. The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the North Carolina Wage and Hour Act (WHA) define the difference between paid and unpaid work time.