Even though your employer hires you at will, you are expected to give at least two weeks' notice before you quit. A sample notice can be obtained from the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, 1515 Clay Street, Suite 401, Oakland, CA 94612, Attention: POSTERS.California's labor laws do require you to give at least 72 hours' notice if you want your final paycheck at the time you leave. While employees often give two weeks notice as a courtesy, there is no law requiring you to give any notice. Use the Termination Checklist to identify the required and recommended forms to fill out during the termination process. Piece Rate Workers Please complete and submit a separate form for every employer who you think may have paid your wages to the Labor Commissioner. Under the California WARN Act, employers are required to provide a 60-day advance written notice before initiating a plant closure, mass layoff, or relocation. Your public employer must notify you, in writing, that it intends to terminate your employment or take other serious disciplinary action against you. Your public employer must notify you, in writing, that it intends to terminate your employment or take other serious disciplinary action against you. There is no such law requiring employees to give two weeks' notice before quitting, there are exceptions to this.