California workers are entitled to be relieved of all duty during 30 minute meal breaks. Under California law, non-exempt employees are entitled to one unpaid 30-minute meal break, and two paid 10-minute rest breaks, during a typical 8-hour shift.Employers must provide a second meal break of no fewer than 30 minutes for all workdays on which an employee works more than 10 hours. Your employer has a duty to authorize and permit you to take timely 10 minute offduty rest breaks. In California, all employers must give their employees a 30-minute meal break after the employee has worked at least 5 hours. California employment laws include a right to a 30 minute meal break after five consecutive hours of work. Employees must be authorized and permitted to take rest breaks, which accrue at a rate of ten consecutive minutes for each four-hour work period. You may not require an employee to work for a period of more than five hours per day without providing them with a 30-minute unpaid meal break. Under California Labor Code, employees who work more than five hours in a workday are entitled to a 30minute meal break. According to California law, employers may not require an employee to work or to be on call during a meal or rest break.