This textbook shows students how to manage effectively and efficiently, with full comprehension of the legal ramifications of their decisions. Ohio's labor laws govern minimum wage, employment of minors, and prevailing wage.This single volume desktop reference provides basic information concerning the laws, regulations, and policies affecting labor and employment in Ohio. Ohio law outlines the course requirements all students must complete to earn a diploma. This guide provides an overview of Ohio's fair-employment laws and offers tips on how to avoid problems that could potentially lead to lawsuits. The presentation provides an overview of Ohio's key wage and hour laws and discusses common compliance pitfalls and best practices for avoiding costly mistakes. Bennett-Alexander and Hartman's Employment Law for Business addresses employment law and employment decisions from a managerial perspective. A charge of discrimination is a signed statement asserting that an employer, union or labor organization engaged in employment discrimination. Harris, Law, Economics, and Accommodations in the Internal Labor. Market, 10 U. PA. J. BUS.