Ohio's labor laws govern minimum wage, employment of minors, and prevailing wage. Under Ohio law, an employer is prohibited from discriminating in the payment of wages on the basis of: Race. Color. Religion. Sex. Age.Ohio's labor laws are primarily established in Article II, Section 34a of the Ohio Constitution and Title 41 of the Ohio Revised Code. You may have the right to benefits like health care or medical bill payments. This single volume desktop reference provides basic information concerning the laws, regulations, and policies affecting labor and employment in Ohio. Ohio has 8 individual labor law notices that all businesses large and small are required to post in the workplace. Ohio has 8 individual labor law notices that all businesses large and small are required to post in the workplace. What Does Ohio Law Say About Personnel Files? The Ohio Department of Commerce provides a complete list of exceptions. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and state workers' compensation laws provide additional rights or restrictions on job leave and absences.