State law requires that children be in a child safety seat or otherwise properly restrained while riding in a motor vehicle. 4 to 8year old who weigh 40 pounds or more and are shorter than 4 feet 9 inches are required to be in a booster seat or other approved safety seat.Ohio state law requires that children be secured in a safety seat, booster seat, or appropriatelyfitting seat belt when riding in a motor vehicle. Ohio law requires that children ride in a car seat or booster until the child is 8 years old or 4' (feet) 9" (inches) or 145 cm (centimeters) tall. To set up an opportunity to receive a free child safety seat please follow steps 1-4 and fill out the form below. Ohio law mandates that children remain in a forwardfacing seat until they exceed the seat's weight or height limits, usually around age 4. Ohio Buckles Buckeyes is a program that provides child safety seats and booster seats to eligible low-income families throughout Ohio. Step 1a: Is WIC for me? For instance, some states require children to be in a rear-facing car seat until they are at least two years old, while others may have weight-based criteria. These Ohio car seat laws state that any child under four years of age or 40 pounds should ride in a car seat that meets federal safety standards.