Under Ohio law, there is no requirement for an employer to provide a meal period or rest break to its adult employees age 18 or older. Two fifteen-minute paid rest periods are permitted during each full eight-hour shift.Workers have a right to at least a 30minute meal break or each 6 hours worked in a calendar day. In Ohio, no law gives employees the right to time off to eat lunch (or another meal) or the right to take short breaks during the work day. Ohio law requires that minors under age 18 be given a 30 minute meal break if they have worked five hours or more. The meal break may be an unpaid break. The shortest answer to the question posed is, "No, Ohio labor laws do not require employers to give breaks to the overwhelming majority of employees." No state law requiring private sector employers to provide meal breaks for adult employees over 18 years old. All supervisors must provide the opportunity for their employees to take a fifteen-minute break in the morning and in the afternoon. Ohio law requires employers to provide employees under the age of 18 years a 30-minute uninterrupted break when working more than five consecutive hours.