An Act to provide legislation relating to the employment of persons; to make provision for the engagement of persons on contracts of service and to. There are no such rules under the labour laws.This Department administers and enforces Labour laws, mitigates in promotion and maintenance of Industrial peace and harmony; settlement of disputes. Section 39 of the Act requires that all employers must keep a Register of Work Permits. Visa applicants in Indonesia may apply for a visa to the United States at the US Embassy in Jakarta or at the US Consulate in Surabaya. (d) persons in the Zambia Security Intelligence Service. Touchdown in Zambia. Chemonics is a global sustainable development firm working in over 100 countries to promote meaningful change around the world. The population is concentrated mainly around Lusaka in the south and the Copperbelt Province to the north, the core economic hubs of the country. A community of solvers combining human ingenuity, experience, technology and products to help organizations build trust and deliver sustained outcomes.