For more information on California minimum wage. You must file reports for violations of minimum wage, overtime, illegal deductions from pay, or unpaid reimbursements within three years.California has released new 2024 labor law updates to ensure all workers are protected and treated fairly, and we have all the details outlined for you. California law (again subject to certain exemptions) provides that every employee is entitled to one day's rest in a seven day work week. Cal. Lab. California follows a state minimum wage law. As a nonexempt employee in California, you are entitled to minimum wage, overtime pay, meal breaks, and rest breaks, among other rights. California law requires an employer to pay employees overtime for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a workweek and eight hours in a workday. When it comes to paying California employees, employers must adhere to some of the strictest legal regulations in the country. Understanding California labor law basics ; Vacation, Paid-time-off (PTO) is not required. Double-check safe room and Disaster.