If you employ minors between the ages of 14 and 17, this section contains required documents, posters, breaks, and work hour limitations. Generally no employment is authorized for minors under the age of 14, as interpreted under South Carolina Child Labor Statute 41-13-20.A minor aged 14 or 15 years old can work up to 40 hours a week during Spring, Winter, and Summer Break. Minors 16 and 17 years old may not work before a.m. When public school is in session, this age group may work up to 15 hours each week. May work until p.m. Minors may work a maximum of 3 hours per day on school days and up to 8 hours per day on Saturday, 8 hours on Sunday and 8 hours on non-school days. This page has information about Registration, Transportation, School Entry Health Requirements, and more. Headlines. Finally, minors who are 16 or 17yearsold may work any amount of hours without following the limits applicable to 14 and 15yearolds. In South Carolina, the law sets a clear boundary: generally, no employment is authorized for minors under the age of 14.