An employee can be hired and fired at any time for any reason. Florida's status as a righttowork state means employees have the freedom to join or not join a labor union without affecting their employment.Florida labor laws exist to ensure that employees get paid what they are legally owed and protect employees from illegal actions such as harassment. The employees of the Town of Palm Beach are our organization's most valuable resource. In Florida, 167 new employmentrelated bills took effect July 1. This state-specific guide covers labor and employment case law, statutes, rules, and regulations that HR professionals and clients often encounter We know how to apply specific employment laws that are relevant to your claim to prove that your rights as an employee were violated in the workplace. In a righttowork state an individual worker cannot be compelled to join a labor union as a condition of keeping their employment. I look at state and federal statutes on sick days, vacation time, and PTO. We then consider legal options if you're denied these benefits.