Outofstate workers temporarily assigned to California must receive at least the state's minimum wage for the duration of their assignment. Understand your rights as a salaried employee in Pennsylvania, from classification and exemption to overtime, deductions, and legal action.HOWEVER, CA has very strict rules about OT and salaried employees. Exempt salaried employees must be paid a weekly salary that will not fluctuate based on the number of hours worked or tasks completed. Most employers must pay workers all wages earned at least monthly, with no longer than 31 days between pay periods. California's professional exemption makes some employees exempt from certain wage and hour rights such as minimum wage, overtime, and rest and meal breaks. Labor Code Section 227.3. Because paid vacation benefits are considered wages, such pay must be included in the employee's final paycheck. 11. Employers in Pennsylvania are generally required to pay employees at least semi-monthly unless otherwise specified in a contract. As of August 5, 2022, updated rules affecting tipped workers and salaried workers who work a fluctuating weekly schedule are in effect.