A 30minute meal period is required for seasonal farm workers after 5 hours in Pennsylvania, and for migrant workers in Wisconsin after 6 hours. What is the Law Regarding Breaks and Meal Periods?While short breaks (5 to 20 minutes) must be paid if offered, longer meal breaks can be unpaid if no work is performed during that time. Only farmworkers are entitled to breaks in Pennsylvania. The state does not require employers to provide other employees with any meal breaks. Does your state require employers give workers lunch breaks? Find out the regulations on lunch break laws and rest periods here. Under Pennsylvania law, minor employees (under age 18) have mandatory meal breaks. Pennsylvania Labor Laws do not require employers to provide any employee over the age of 17 with any meal or rest breaks, no matter how long their shift. A minor employee must be given an uninterrupted 30-minute break if they work more than six hours.