Most employees in Pennsylvania must be paid overtime compensation for any hours they work over 40 straight time hours per week. This state-specific guide covers labor and employment case law, statutes, rules, and regulations that HR professionals and clients often encounterIf an employee works more than 40 hours in a workweek they must be paid 1.5 times their base rate for all hours worked beyond 40 hours. In PA, most employees should be paid overtime compensation when they work hours over the standard 40 straight time hours each week. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and child labor standards affecting full-time and part-time workers. Non-exempt employees typically include hourly workers or salaried employees who do not meet the state's exemption criteria. Pennsylvania minimum wage laws do not require employers to pay employees for reporting or showing up to work if no work is performed. Legal Representation. What is the basis of your complaint? Pennsylvania also has a minimum wage for tip workers.