Most employees in Pennsylvania must be paid overtime compensation for any hours they work over 40 straight time hours per week. Once the payday is established, the employer may not deviate from it without advance notice to employees.There is no requirement in the Wage Payment and Collection Law, act of July 14, 1961 (P. A drastic change in pay rate without any notice may violate state labor laws, specifically regarding wage payment and collection. They can't withhold a check or even deduct pay without your written consent. Pennsylvania allows employers to choose how often they pay their employees, provided the paydays are regular and designated in advance. Pennsylvania is an atwill employment state, meaning employers can terminate employees for any reason (or no reason) and without notice. The Equal Pay Law standardizes wages for certain job positions. Must be paid at least the federal minimum wage or the state minimum wage, whichever is higher. Section 4. Notification.