Most employees in Pennsylvania must be paid overtime compensation for any hours they work over 40 straight time hours per week. This state-specific guide covers labor and employment case law, statutes, rules, and regulations that HR professionals and clients often encounterThe Pennsylvania Minimum Wage Act requires that employers pay employees overtime pay when an employee works more than 40 hours per week. Employment and labor laws serve as guiding principles to ensure fairness, protection, and justice for both employers and employees. The law protects workers from experiencing discrimination in the workplace, including harassment or prejudicial treatment. To hire employees in Pennsylvania, you need to register with Pennsylvania's Office of Unemployment Compensation (UC) and get unemployment insurance. In PA, most employees should be paid overtime compensation when they work hours over the standard 40 straight time hours each week. The employment provisions of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act apply to: (1) Employers of. As a worker in Pennsylvania, you deserve to maintain a base standard of living and protection in the workplace.