"Atwill" in Pennsylvania means that you can quit or be fired at any time unless you sign a contract that specifies otherwise and is valid. The WARN Act protects workers, families, and communities.It mandates that employers give a 60-day notice before closing plants or conducting mass layoffs. The Fair Workweek law in Philadelphia requires covered employers to provide service, retail, and hospitality workers with a predictable work schedule. It's pretty standard to give your employer at least two weeks notice when you quit. Pennsylvania is an "atwill" employment state, meaning employers can terminate an employee at any time. Summary of the labor and workforce issues to be considered when establishing and growing a business in PA. In Pennsylvania, employers are not required to provide advance notice of termination unless there is a contract in place that requires it. Plant Closing: An employer must give notice if shutting down an employment site will cause 50 or more employees to lose their jobs in 30 days. There's no question that you CAN walk out tomorrow without giving notice at all, let alone 120days notice.