This Employee Handbook applies to all State of Arizona employees in the State Personnel. The Employer-Employee Relationship and Employment Contracts: From Arizona Employment Law Handbook, Vol.Each City of Phoenix employee must comply with City ethics policies and laws. A Phoenix workplace training lawyer at Houk Employment Attorneys can help you, contact us at (480) 569-2377 to make a difference for you. This 30-minute course is designed to help prevent harassment and retaliation in the workplace, and to educate employees on how to report inappropriate behavior. It is so important to seek legal advice and guidance when updating and maintaining the employee handbooks and other materials used in your business. This guide is provided to assist private employers in understanding and applying the law. Employment Law Practice: ARIZONA AGENCY PRACTICE: From Arizona Employment Law Handbook, Vol. All federal employees—including postal workers—are guaranteed the right to accept or decline union membership without fear of repercussions in the workplace. The complete guide to labor laws in Arizona.