The mission of the California Labor Commissioner's Office is to ensure a just day's pay in every workplace in the State and to promote economic justice. While California labor laws primarily apply to instate workers, certain scenarios can extend these protections to outofstate employees.A.R.S. 23-233 restricts the hours that youths under the age of sixteen (16) can work. You can also file a claim on your own with the Industrial Commission of Arizona. Please note however that there is a time limit do do so. I completed my onboarding paperwork yesterday and there was an AZ and CA tax withholding form to fill out. Arizona labor laws dictate that employers must compensate employees for their waiting and on-call time, during which they are actively on duty. No, if you are not working physically or living in CA, you do not need to file a CA return, just your AZ home state return. Commissioners, Directors, and Secretaries ; California. Stewart Knox Secretary Labor and Workforce Development Agency 800 Capitol Mall, Suite 5000 (MIC-55)