The following documents explain College personnel policies. Feedback from employees can be submitted to the All Employee Representative Council (AERC).In 2000, the Pima County WIB initiated work on a community-wide, comprehensive local workforce development plan (Local Plan) which took eight months to complete. Learn the benefits of having an employee handbook, what information you should include for employees, and find easytouse templates. Adjunct Faculty will adhere to all PCCCD policies that address code of conduct and standards of behavior for employees as found in the PCC Employee Handbook. The. Handbook for Employers, Instructions for Completing the. Emergency removal of Employees will be conducted pursuant to the procedures in the Employee Handbook. This classification is in the unclassified service and is exempt from the Pima County Merit System Rules. This brochure is designed to help City of Tucson business license applicants to complete the necessary steps in the licensing process. The. Handbook for Employers, Instructions for Completing the.