California Mileage Reimbursement Law requires employers to reimburse employees for all vehicle expenses incurred on the job. The use of privately-owned automobiles for approved work is permissible provided it is done during the course of the employee's scheduled hours of work.Under Section 2082 in California, employers have essential obligations to fulfill when employees use personal vehicles for work. Employers can require employees to use a personal vehicle for work. Employees may be permitted to use their own vehicles for the purpose of transporting employees as provided for in Article 27. With an assigned patrol vehicle program, deputies could be ready for duty and dispatch once they were in their vehicle. When it comes to selling motor vehicles to nonresidents of Arizona, there are five separate transaction privilege tax exemptions. Arizona law requires that you apply for a title within 15 days of purchase or a penalty may be assessed. Legal publisher offering ordinance codification services for local governments, specializing in providing codes of ordinances in print and on the Internet. John R. Cash was an American singer-songwriter.