An eligible employee may receive up to 12 work weeks (or the equivalent of 60 work days or 480 hours) of. The FMLA allows an employee to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in an FMLA year.The FMLA year may be the same as the calendar year, but does not have to be. In all cases, employees cannot take more than 26 weeks of combined short-term disability and Paid Family Leave benefits in a 52-week period. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides certain employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year. A medical leave of absence may be granted under FMLA for up to twelve weeks. Upon approval of the Human Resources Department, eligible employees may be granted up to twelve (12) continuous work weeks of parental leave. This site has been designed for eligible Pima County employees. Federal law mandates that FMLA be granted to women who have worked for their employer for at least one year and have accrued 1250 of work time. All 12 weeks of maternity leave can be taken at the same time or they can be broken up over the course of the year before or after the birth of your baby.