The judgment creditor or assignee shall fill out and file Judicial Council of California Form SC90 to acknowledge full payment. The Employee Handbook is intended to educate new employees and serve as a resource for current employees.Through this handbook, employees are given an opportunity to gain insight about County services and County employment, including the County of. The Food Protection Course trains individuals in food protection practices to ensure the safety of the food served in New York City's food establishments. Set up your free consultation today! The Riverside County Office of Education Alternative Education program includes Community School (11 sites) and Court School (3 sites). Must be able to pass a preemployment CORI, drug screen, physical exam and fingerprinting. Fair Shares for All? Having a dedicated education and training team is necessary to manage and implement Riverside County's state WET plan. Our team not only manages building maintenance, but undertakes significant construction projects to invest in the future of housing for our community.