Under California law, earned vacation time is considered wages, and vacation time is earned, or vests, as labor is performed. For more information on California minimum wage.Leave paid out in PP12 of 2024, and the remaining 40 hours of. Annual Leave paid out in PP 25 of 2024. Under California leave laws, employees have the right to take an unpaid leave of absence for certain events. The County will provide each eligible employee who has 90 calendar days of employment with the County of Riverside with 36 hours of Paid Sick Leave (PSL). Vested vacation time needs to be paid to you at your final rate of pay in accordance with an employment contract or set employer policy. Can an Employer Deny Unpaid Time Off in California? The simple answer is yes. A "leave of absence" in California is when you temporarily take time off work, but with the intention of returning to work and keeping the job.