The law requires employers to give written notice of wage rates to each new hire. The plant manager created this policy that if you quit without 24 hours notice, your pay will be dropped to state minimum wage.Except for specific limitations, employers can generally cut an employee's pay or work hours, but they need to let you know ahead of time. And if your employer doesn't provide you with notice or adequately pay you, you might be entitled to back wages or penalties. Employees need to know that there are no federallevel protections when companies change their pay without notice. Failure to pay the minimum four hours of wages to employees who report to work as scheduled can result in penalties and fines. Other Employment Regulations. Normally working at least forty (40) hours in a pay period;. 2. Process: You can initiate a wage claim online after creating a Community Account or logging in. Then click the "New Wage Claim" button.