For more information on California minimum wage. The Employee Handbook is intended to educate new employees and serve as a resource for current employees.To prepare for filing a claim, you'll need to gather any evidence that demonstrates that your Riverside employer violated labor laws. Our employment and labor law attorneys in Southern California help employees understand their legal obligations and rights, and we take appropriate action. For public safety employees, the standard work period can be any regular and recurring work schedule between seven (7) and twenty-eight (28) consecutive days. If you are not being paid what you are entitled to and want to file a wage or hour claim in Riverside, CA, contact our team of dedicated attorneys today. Employees found to be retaliating against another employee shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. California is one of many US states that upholds an "at-will" employment standard. What Laws Protect Workers' Rights in Riverside? From the iconic Central Park to neighborhood playgrounds, we own and operate some of the most exemplary green spaces in the world.