Find information about laws that protect workers. Learn how to claim unpaid wages or file a complaint for employment or housing discrimination.Then contact the Law Office of Jeffrey A. Goldberg at (210) 690-2200. Employment Law Discrimination Lawyers in San Antonio can help you with your discrimination or harassment on the Job. Call or text (210)444-4444. The City of San Antonio provides equal access to jobs, benefits, and services for all employees and prospective employees in the workplace. Call (214) 528-6500 - Rob Wiley, P.C. is dedicated to serving our clients with a range of legal services including Discrimination and Harassment cases. Employment discrimination generally exists where an employer treats an applicant or employee less favorably merely because of a person's protected class. I will listen to you when you need it most. Call my San Antonio office today for a free consultation at 726-610-8413 or fill out my contact form.