Then contact the Law Office of Jeffrey A. Goldberg at (210) 690-2200. Find information about laws that protect workers.Learn how to claim unpaid wages or file a complaint for employment or housing discrimination. In need of a San Antonio employment contract lawyer? For this reason, a Texas business should never try to create a signed employment contract for its employees without having a lawyer review it! If you find yourself in a dispute with a contractor without a formal contract, one alternative option is to pursue mediation or arbitration. Employment discrimination generally exists where an employer treats an applicant or employee less favorably merely because of a person's protected class. If an employer fires an employee for an unlawful reason, this is referred to as wrongful termination and can lead to a legal claim. Because Texas is an "employment at-will" state, an employer can fire an employee at any time for any lawful reason. It is unfair, then, when your employer does not follow the law or the terms of your employment contract and does not pay you for the services you have provided.