If an employee believes they are owed wages, they need to file a wage claim within 180 days from the original date the wages were supposed to be paid. These Texas labor laws cover a wide spectrum, from the minimum wage you earn to the overtime you're entitled to and the safeguards against discrimination.If you think we may have recovered unpaid wages for you, use the Workers Owed Wages (WOW) application to search and claim them. Are you facing a wage and hour dispute? Contact our San Antonio labor law attorneys for skilled defense and top legal representation. Failing to report within this period may result in the loss of the right to claim those wages. If my workplace is closed because of a government stay home order, does my company need to pay me under the new federal sick leave law? The Texas Payday Law (TPL) requires most employers in the state to pay their employees on a regular basis. The ordinance applies to all employees who perform "at least 80 hours of work for pay within the City of San Antonio, Texas in a year for . . . Overtime pay standards in Texas follow those set forth in the FLSA.