If an employee gives notice they are leaving, the employer is not required to let the person work through the notice date or to pay through the notice date. Read 1 Answer from lawyers to Is it legal to work a full shift without being told what your pay is changing to in the state of Texas?In Texas, you can submit a wage claim to the Texas Workforce Commission within 180 days from the due date of the wages. Gather all relevant documentation, such as pay stubs, timecards, and employment contracts. • Employees that perform at least 80 hours of work in the City of San Antonio in one year. If you think we may have recovered unpaid wages for you, use the Workers Owed Wages (WOW) application to search and claim them. The Texas Payday Law requires that the majority of deductions have written authorization from the employee. It would be illegal for them to try to pay you less for any time prior to notification. You could file a wage claim if they did so. The Online Payment System allows you to resolve certain cases without the necessity of a court appearance for some Traffic, Misdemeanor and Parking Citations.