The mission of the California Labor Commissioner's Office is to ensure a just day's pay in every workplace in the State and to promote economic justice. This article covers an overview of everything you should know about California labor and employment laws and regulations.For reliable employment law specialists in the San Bernardino area, Clark Employment Law is here to help. Are you struggling with a legal issue related to your employment? Talk with a San Bernardino employment lawyer at Eldessouky Law about your case. Call the San Bernardino employment lawyers at The Dominguez Firm for a FREE consultation at 800-818-1818 today. The first step in the wage complaint process is to fill out a Form 1 labor board complaint. You will typically need to also fill out a Form 55 attachment. San Bernardino Labor Lawyer. If you have experienced or observed wage theft or other widespread labor law violations affecting a group of workers, please file a report.