The mission of the California Labor Commissioner's Office is to ensure a just day's pay in every workplace in the State and to promote economic justice. The following will summarize the local procedures for telephonic appearances of counsel in the Superior Court of California, County of San Bernardino.An adult (over 18 years of age) cannot work for more than 48 hours in a week and not more than 9 hours in a day. If you want to file a wage or hour claim in San Bernardino, you need to email or mail your claim to the office. San Bernardino, CA, 92401. Back to How to report a labor law violation. The telephone number of the San Bernardino Labor Board's office is (909) 383-4334. Before we get into the details regarding labor laws in California, call our law firm or fill out our short contact form. San Bernardino County. Sanford has maintained his offices in San Bernardino since he began practicing law in 1981.