The mission of the California Labor Commissioner's Office is to ensure a just day's pay in every workplace in the State and to promote economic justice. In this Handbook, you will find highlights of sections of the City's ethics rules, regulations, policies, and procedures.These are some of the sample policies you may wish to include in an employee handbook. If you would like more information about drafting and implementing your employee handbook, contact attorney Michael Leonard, Esq. An employee handbook outlines company policies, procedures, and expectations. The attorneys at the Watkins Firm answer frequently asked questions regarding employment law in the San Diego area. 858-535-1511. Learn about the essential employment laws every San Diego business owner should know. Payroll Tax Seminars: The EDD offers no-cost seminars to help employers comply with state payroll tax laws. This Employee Handbook contains the employment practices and policies of the San. Contact. We are here to assist workers and businesses with questions about wage theft, fair chance hiring, and employment laws.