The Labor Relations Division is dedicated to maintaining positive labor-management relations between the County, its employees and employee organizations. The mission of the California Labor Commissioner's Office is to ensure a just day's pay in every workplace in the State and to promote economic justice.San Diego County Adds Local Restrictions for Covered Employers to Comply with in Addition to California's Fair Chance Act. The National Labor Relations Act forbids employers from interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of their rights. The below information provides the Memoranda of Understanding with each recognized employee organization (1997 to present). It is the only non-profit organization in the area that offers legal services regarding employment and labor law. Labour laws labour code or employment laws are those that mediate the relationship between workers, employing entities, trade unions, and the government. Starting on January 1, 2024, employers must generally provide 5 days or 40 hours of paid sick leave to their employees in California. Cherry, Invisible Labor and People Analytics, 61 ST. LOUIS UNIV. L.J. 1(2017); Miriam A. Cherry and Antonio.