San Diego County Adds Local Restrictions for Covered Employers to Comply with in Addition to California's Fair Chance Act. The County of San Diego recently passed a local fair chance ordinance restricting the use of criminal history in employment decisions.The SDFCO prohibits unlawful prejob offer inquiries about arrest and conviction histories of job applicants. Fill out the form below to share the job San Diego. Raymond Bertrand is Chair of the San Diego Office and San Diego Employment Law Department. Mr. Bertrand is one of the nation's premier litigators. Magazine, Hartford Courant, the Associated Press, San Diego Business Journal, and Law360 in connection with employment law developments. After completing this onemonth probationary period, the notice period then becomes three months. Slalom consultants Gorden Natalenko, Jaclyn Selden, and Ash Shih keep the work mood light with an al fresco meeting on a sunny day in San Diego. At Stryker, we're not just interested in your past; we're invested in your future.