Minors aged 15 days to 18 years employed in the entertainment industry must have a permit to work, and employers must have a permit to employ. In California, almost all minors under 18 years old are subject to the state's child labor protections under the California Labor Code.Children ages 12 and 13 can only work on days when there is no school. The law allows them to work up to eight hours a day and no more than 40 hours a week. 8 hours on any nonschool day. Minors under 16 may work 8-40 during non-school day or week. 8-30-6 during schoolyear. Child labor laws are intended to ensure that employment of persons under 18 is compatible with their age, education, and health and safety. California's minimum legal age to work is generally 14 years old. However, anyone under 18 must have a work permit, called a Statement of Intent to Employ Minor and Request for Work Permit.