The mission of the California Labor Commissioner's Office is to ensure a just day's pay in every workplace in the State and to promote economic justice. This manual is designed to assist hiring managers with appropriate hiring processes and Human Resources practices.To apply for a business license, you may apply online here or complete the Business License Application (New Business Tax Affidavit form). On this page below is a list of LOCAL forms that can be completed online and then printed. The form you need may be in this list. For employers, however, California presents unique challenges because its laws differ significantly from those of other states and the federal government. Appropriate employment list, the Director may authorize a provisional appointment to fill the position pending the establishment of an employment list. This Employee Handbook ("Handbook") is designed to ensure that you have the information you need to be successful at the OSA. Section 3.2 - Dues Deductions a). Maintenance. Experienced, Efficient and Cost-Effective Employment Law Attorney!