In California, cars are required to yield to pedestrians crossing the street in marked crosswalks or at intersections. State Law reference— Drivers to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, Vehicle Code § 21950. Sec. B12-197.- Skateboards prohibited. Drivers must yield the rightofway to pedestrians who are crossing the street at a marked crosswalk or at an intersection with an unmarked crosswalk. Vehicle Code 21950 requires motorists to yield to pedestrians. The section also places specific responsibilities on the part of drivers and pedestrians alike. This guide includes tips on how to stay safe, make sure you know laws and regulations, and how to safely share the road with traffic. California Vehicle Code requires that a pedestrian safely remove themselves out of the driver's path when the crosswalk light blinks red. Infinity Law Group is a Californiabased law firm that specializes in personal injury law. If a driver ignores a pedestrian's rights-of-way in a crosswalk and proceeds without yielding, he or she could be liable for a resultant pedestrian collision.