You cannot employ someone for a work period of more than five hours without providing an unpaid, off-duty meal period of at least 30 minutes. An additional 30-minute unpaid meal break when working more than 12 hours in a day.A paid 10-minute rest period for every four hours worked. Nonexempt California employees must be given a meal or lunch break for a minimum of 30 minutes for shifts longer than five hours. Workers have a right to at least a 30minute meal break or each 6 hours worked in a calendar day. Under California law, non-exempt employees are entitled to one unpaid 30-minute meal break, and two paid 10-minute rest breaks, during a typical 8-hour shift. Official Site of Anthem Blue Cross, a trusted health insurance plan provider. Shop plans for Medicare, Medical, Dental, Vision and Employers. Find your future, and start your job search now. Read career information and search available job openings in a variety of areas at Spectrum here.